Social media is a strange thing; 4 years ago it brought together the team that have latterly become known to all as @BirminghamCubed. So with that in mind we're proud to announce that on 23rd June 2015, we have been asked to host #CraftBeerHour live on Twitter and Instagram. The concept of a twitter hour is relatively simple, using the hash tag #craftbeerhour users can follow a live Q&A session and discussion around the focus of the hour.
2015 will be the third outing for Birmingham Beer Bash following hot on the heels of the second Birmingham Beer Bash (bCubed) in 2014 and a follow-up series of pop up bars at the Bond Co, Digbeth throughout the remainder of last year. In three years I'd like to think that both I and the wider collective of individuals behind Birmingham Beer Bash have achieved an awful lot; for starters we took a drunken idea and made it reality and in doing so we have had a hand in galvanising the beer scene in Birmingham. That's not to say we're entirely responsible for how far Birmingham has come in respect to beer in the last few years, oh no but we were there.
So how then do we approach the task of hosting a twitter event focusing on beer given that we are not a producer ourselves? Well after some debate, we thought it best to ask the core team members to each make a personal recommendation based on the breweries we have confirmed to date. That's not to say we should disregard all of the other wonderful breweries we will have represented at this year's festival (they are all still fair game, and at last count I think we have 40 or so confirmed). So below you will find a list of beers that we think you should stock up on and drink along with us whilst we are hosting.
David Bascombe (@MrDavidJ) - Sadlers: Mud City Stout (6.0%)
David Shipman (@OthertonAleman) - Wild Beer Co: Modus Operandi (7.0%)
Shaun McSweeney (@19IrishDragon) Weird Beard: 5 O'Clock Shadow (7.3%)
Tim Rowe (@PolymathTim) - Marble Beers: Dobber (5.9%)
Stewart Sandilands (@TheRealStewbert) - Kernel: Export India Porter (6.3%)
Krishan Rajput (@StirchleyWines) - Kernel: Table Beer (3.2%)
Danny Brown (@Mediocre_Dan) - Thornbridge: Wild Raven (6.6%)
Ross Lang (@Ross1875Lang) - Siren Craft Beer: Soundwave IPA (5.6%)
10 fantastic beers to get in your collective fridges during our slot; so go on charge your glasses and join us for an hour of beer celebration, questions and most likely a fair bit of general silliness... Hang on though we promised something a bit extra didn't we?
So we have arranged in collaboration with one of our favourite haunts The Craven Arms (@CravenArmsBrum) to make all ten of the beers above available for the evening. We will collectively be there too enjoying a wee tipple (er read that as being entirely sensible and diligently answering your questions), so if you're in the vicinity of Birmingham and at a loose end come along and join us.
For more information regarding the concept of #craftbeerhour click here.