Thursday, 20 December 2018

Goldene Pënten

Everyone loves a good list don't they? 

2018 what a year; one marked by division, indecision and absolute chaos.  The culmination of two years of directionless political stagnation.  One thing I have clung to during this festival of stupidity is that the brewing industry and beer itself is still populated with lots to celebrate.

So without further ado I give you my one and only contribution to the beer blogging community for the year.   I mean I'd probably do it more if I had anywhere like the time and inclination to do it but life, friends and all that get in the way so sate yourself with this little lot....

Best UK Cask Beer

 Bathams - Best Bitter

Living in the Black Country as I do I always consider myself increasingly lucky to live less than a 5 minute drive away from Batham's flagship pub The Bull & Bladder (The Vine to give it non colloquial title).  To say that Batham's is scarce pretty much anywhere other than the midlands is a massive understatement and when it does appear outside of its normal hunting ground its rightly revered.  Its not a complicated beer, because lets face it the best beer in the country doesn't need to be.  There is something about that taste (not the sweet sting of too little Diacetyl rest that most believe is a hall mark of West Midlands brewing) it catches like the snatch of a good pint of bass, or the combo of light citrus and summer fruits in Timothy Taylors Landlord it goes down far too easily then you find yourself on pint 3 or 4 and you still haven't moved.  

That's the mark of really really good cask beer, combine that with a cellar that knows what they're doing with their product and what more do your need?

Neptune Brewery - Nammu
Fixed Wheel - Single Speed: Simcoe

Best UK Keg Beer

Lost & Grounded - Keller Pils

Best UK Smallpack Beer

Summer Wine - Rippa

Lost & Grounded - This Is Nowhere
Marble/Fullers/Gales - Old Ale (all variants)

Best Overseas Draught

Funk Factory Geuzeria - Meerts


Best Overseas Smallpack Beer

Half Acre Beer Company - Daisy Cutter


Best Collaboration Brew

Best Branding

Marble Brewery

I've been a fan of Marble no nonsence branding for many years and was equally happy to see that translated to their recent switch to canned products.  The simple utility branding that is so sonomous with their pumpclips and on bar branding has translated brilliantly onto their recent can releases.  Then earlier this year with their newer seasonal range a refresh came to differentiate from the core range and well they are simply fantastic.  Not only that the refresh has been put together in such a way that they still feel like a key part of the overall range.  This is especially important in the current climate where more and more breweries are approaching label art as a statement of artistic intent as much as the contents of the packaging.

Best UK Brewery

Burning Sky

Burning Sky seemingly defy expectations every year from their quiet Sussex base; from their first releases way back in 2013 right the way up to the recent comissioning of their coolship Mark and the team have made no wrong steps.  Each release is considered and brilliant; be it from their core range (Plateau is always a pleasure to see on any bar in cask varient), through the increasingly fantastically conceived range of small bottles and on into their barrique/foeder aged larger releases they do no wrong.  Stand outs this year the Orval like Recusant which with your eyes closed you'd be hard pushed to tell the difference, a Blended Stock Ale and Cuvee that are just amazing to Coolship No 1you'd be hard pushed to better it.

I have a bottle of Coolship No 1 (along with the first Saison de la Provision) tucked away for consumption on my 40th next year, that's how special Burning Sky are.

Summer Wine Brewery
Marble Brewery

Best International Brewery

Best New Brewery 2018

Burnt Mill Brewery // Mills Brewing

Two breweries stand out for me this year...  

First up Burnt Mill Brewery who arrived at the tail end of 2017 but for reasons of availability in West Midlands didn't come to my attention until very early in 2018.  A modern hop focused brewery which under the guidance of head brewer (and founder of IWCBD) Sophie de Ronde they have landed hit after hit on the beer front.  But it was with their core session pale Pintle that they sealed their place in my list of infamy.  Like all good session beers this is an uncomplicated and endlessly drinkable beer the likes that should be in everbodies fridge.  However the real masterstroke is their higher strength beers, eschewing the overly sweet hop laden approach popularised in recent years (I have no problem with them persay) and goign stright for the throat by bringing back a healthy dose of bitterness.  Asterism their triple IPA being a case in point; hop forward, full of body and with healthy dose of mouth feel and their at the back bitterness, like an old friend returning from a far too long holiday.  More please!!!

Secondly there is Mills Brewing who from their base of operations in gloucester have been in production since early 2017, but due to the spontaeneous nature of their brewing, the brew-length of their production and the their wood/barrel aging programme they have only had a few sporadic releases to date.  Those that have landed in the limited quantities they have landed in however have been beguiling.  Like Burning Sky before them, their understanding of spontaneous brewing and blending is second to none.  With a laundry list of well recieved beer already in their cannon, each one with a complexity to rival even the most Belgian of guezue. I await each new release with the kind like my son is doing with his daily countdown to Christmas.

Pub/Bar of the Year

Stoneworks, Peterborough // The Smithfield, Derby


Best New Pub/Bar 2018

Kilder Bar, Birmingham


Independent Retailer/Wholesaler of the Year

Jolly Good Beer (Yvan Seth)


Best Beer Blog or Website

Simon Johnson Award for Best Beer Twitterer/Social Media

Best Brewery Website/Social media

Pilot Brewery

Its always going to be Pilot Brewery you might as well just give up now, each acid soaked tweet is pure gold.  With their increasing focus on breaking into the heady world of office stationary always on the horizon, one day they will get rid of that stupid brewery and hit the big time.  Just remember us small people on the way there eh?!?


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